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Ask predefined or generic questions in class

Question Types: 

Multiple Choice


Single or Multiple responses.  Responses are graphed once the poll has completed.



Students answer either True or False.  Responses are graphed once the poll has completed.

Short Answer​


Students write some text for their response.  Responses are shown and can be toggled to provide anonymity.

Word Cloud


Students submit their response and the top 10 responses are shown in a word cloud.  The word that received the most responses is the largest.

Survey Question


Students answer a survey question that the instructor has created ahead of time. 

Excused Absence Management

Students can submit excused absence justification that the instructor can accept or reject.  Excused absences do not affect the student's participation grade.  Instructors have option to enable/disable this feature.


Participation grade is automatically calculated based on the number of questions a student answers in class.  Students can track their participation grade per day and the total throughout the semester.


Import Students

PeerDoc supports uploading your class roster via CSV.  We have our own simple CSV file format which can be used or, if your institution uses Brightspace, you can upload your exported grade book directly into PeerDoc.

Submission Phase

Homework Submission - Students answer a set of survey questions as homework questions.  

Document Submission - Students write one or more documents and upload them to PeerDoc.

  • Students receive email notifications when they submit their work. 

  • Custom Schedules - Instructors can change deadline dates on a per student basis.  

Evaluation Phase

Peer Review Other Student's Work:

  • Double Blind Peer Reviews - Students review other student's work and do not know who they are reviewing.  Once the evaluation phase ends, students are able to read the peer reviews they received from other students.

  • In-class Presentations - Students pick which individual/group they wish to review.  Students watch the presentation and then answer questions about the review.  


Group Member Evaluations:

  • Students answer questions for each group member.  Answers are only visible to instructors and teaching assistants.

  • PeerDoc calculates a composite group evaluation grade that instructors can sort to find struggling students early on in the course.  

Closing Phase


  • Ask students questions about their performance during the assignment and ways they can improve for future assignments.


Revise & Resubmit Submission:

  • Upload a revised document.  In this scenario, students upload a rough draft during the Submission Phase, review other student's work during the Evaluation Phase, and then revise their rough draft using the peer reviews the student received.


  • Once the assignment completes, PeerDoc generates a projected grade based on the composition of the various parts of the assignments.  Instructors/TAs can either accept this as the assignment grade or use it for guidance in manual grading.

  • PeerDoc supports anonymous grading via a toggle.  Anonymous grading removes students' names from the grading screens, removing bias and ensuring fairness.

  • PeerDoc supports custom code, automating common tasks instructors/TAs repeat.  For example, custom code can be configured to give a grace period after a deadline or deduct a certain number of points for not completing enough reviews.

Exporting to LMS

  • PeerDoc generates a CSV file containing all the data from the assignment.  

  • Brightspace Grade Upload File - PeerDoc can also generate a Brightspace grade upload CSV file that can be directly imported into Brightspace's grade book.

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